Cookie Policy within the Revista TuČ™ Platform -

  1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small tracking files that a website stores in the user's browser to save data that can be used for functional purposes (e.g. the fact that you are logged in) or for tracking purposes (e.g. the duration of a visit, the source of a campaign that brought you to us). If you visit that website again, it will be able to read the previously stored information and recognise you.  

Cookies do not contain software, viruses or spyware and cannot access information on the user's hard drive. Only the issuer of a cookie can read or modify the information contained in that cookie.

The cookie files used fall into 2 categories:

  1. Internal cookies/"First-party cookies" are cookies set by Reea SRL or on our behalf on the Platform. These can be (i) session cookies - stored on your device only while you visit the Platform and expire once you close your browser and (ii) persistent cookies - stored for a period of time on your browser and after you stop using the Platform, they are set to expire on a set date or when they are manually deleted;
  2. Third-party cookies are cookies set by third party companies and whose functionality is embedded in our Platform (e.g. cookies of Google Ireland Limited).

Our Platform uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyse how users utilize a website. The information generated by these cookies is transmitted to and stored by Google Ireland Limited on various Google servers, some of which are located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Google uses the information obtained for the purpose of issuing reports on website activity.

The statistical data to which Reea SRL has access, as a beneficiary of Google Analytics services, is anonymised.

The chart below describes the various categories of cookies and similar technologies that we may use within the Platform, the purpose for which we use them, who uses them and how long they are active.


Domain of deployment

The purpose for which it is used

Active duration



Standard session cookie from TYPO3.

When the user logs in, it saves the access data entered.

Until the browser session ends

HTTP Cookie


Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain.

1 year

HTTP Cookie


Keeps user session status on all page requests.

Until the browser session ends

HTTP Cookie



This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and robots. This is beneficial for the website, to make valid reports on the use of the website.


HTML Local Storage



This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and robots.

Until the browser session ends

HTML Local Storage



This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and robots.

Until the browser session ends

HTML Local Storage



This cookie is used to control how often data is sent to the Google Analytics server. This cookie does not collect any personal information about the users of the website and is used solely to manage data traffic within Google Analytics.

Until the browser session ends




This cookie is used to store information about how users arrive at a website. This cookie does not collect personal information about website users and is used exclusively within Google Analytics to manage data traffic and provide useful information to website owners.



2. How is user consent obtained?

When you first access our Platform, a banner will appear asking you to consent to the use of certain cookies. It is important to know that all cookies that do not have a functional role, i.e. those that come from domains other than are disabled by default.

Subsequently, by accepting them yourself - by clicking the "accept" button / by checking the accept box - you express your consent to their use on the device you are browsing from. Accepting cookies helps us to understand your browsing preferences and thus improve the services we offer.

Also, as we will show in the section below, you can change your settings and learn more about our Cookie Policy.

3. How can you reconfigure cookies?

At the bottom right of the Platform's main pages and throughout your navigation within domains, you have access to the management interface for cookies and similar technologies.

By selecting the "Manage services" option, you have access to organise your individual preferences. Cookies are grouped into categories and can be allowed or restricted individually, depending on your specific choices. The options can also be extended to the entire selection as a whole.

Button meanings:

- "Allow" - marked with green colour - means allowing some or all modules;

- "Deny" - marked with grey colour - denotes disallowing part or all of the modules.

The number highlighted next to 'Manage services' indicates the number of modules currently active. Selecting this number opens a window indicating the membership of the files according to the entity managing them.

You can also configure cookies from the settings of your browser.

We want you to know that if you choose to block all cookies in your browser, it may make it more difficult for you to navigate the Platform. By clicking on the links below, you will find information on how to manage cookies in different categories of browsers.

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari web


If you don't want cookies provided by Google Analytics, you can use the browser add-on that prevents Google Analytics from collecting data -

Version 1 - effective June 20, 2023