But this did not tame the king. Immediately Butterbur had to throw all of his c’othes and belongings into the car and start off towards the woods where Cutterbur, the keeper of the pigs, lived.

-“You came!” rejoiced the keeper of the pigs when he saw the page. He ran into his cottage and brought a small bag, unopened, and said:

-“Take this to the king and tell the gardeners to sow the seeds tomorrow!”

-“The king ordered that you go to the castle and be his page instead of me, and for me to take care of the pigs, said poor Butterbur.”

 -“Hmm, letls go together and my brothers can take care of the pigs.”

Butterbur thought the king would forgive him if he gave him the seeds so he didnlt say much else. The two of them entered the car that was very heated by the sun and set off on the dusty road to the castle.

 When they arrived, King Melon was in the throne room, holding a council meeting with the great adviser Stinging-Nettle. Upon seeing them, the king became red with anger and the adviser lifted his long and spiky beard from his chest and gave them a squinting look, full of disdain.
 Butterbur kneeled on the carpet holding the bag up towards the king:

 -“Melon seeds from the Green Country, Your Highness!”
 The king stretched out his hand to take the bag; wanting to harshly reprove them for not obeying his command, he kept it stretched, but something inside of him would not let him do that. He grabbed the bag, opened it and toppled the black seeds over a tray.