From the tower that they were in, a solid rainbow began, and c’imbed very high in the skies, and the sky seemed tough and of a strident blue. They said their goodbyes to the girl in turquoise and started walking on the bridge. Remembering the words of the painter, they started running. The rainbow was ascending, then started descending, as they were running on the blue and red s’opes and their hearts beating as they were about to break out of their chests, because at the end of this rainbow, they discerned a woman with arms that embraced the whole rainbow, and who couldnlt be any other than their mother. She hugged them and held them tightly to her chest, then she put them down, and they saw that she was a tall, thin and fragile being, and her hair was long and chestnut brown, with golden shades. Mother leaned towards them, took them by the hands and walked them to a city even more fantastic than the Skies City. The walls and towers were much higher, thinned and more laced, and were made of crystals and precious stones, transparent, reflecting the lights play of the sun. After they visited the city and traveled by different trains, they went on a larger train, made of red and blue mosaics. Four suns were rising and setting one at a time here and there, and wherever the sky was darker, there were stars bigger than the ones on earth. The three started playing basketball with a blue ball

The baskets were very high and the ball was outlining the big canopy of heaven. The hard and glassy surfaces underneath and around them were reflecting their voices, the dribbling of the ball, in melodious echoes, and multiplied their silhouettes in a multitude of images, uniform or distorted, and this by itself was a game.  

At a point, the Mother threw the ball so high that it remained on the skies and then they saw that there was a sun.

They then arrived on a field freshly ploughed, soaked in oil and painted by thick shapes of brushes, in thousands if colors of purple, yellow, dark green, bloody red, and indigo.