Katia Nanu

Ilm Katia Nanu. A person whom age is not really recommending for a relationship with talking cats and dogs or with fairy-tale parrots. Ilm already, what a surprise! 54 years old. Ilm also a chief editor of a daily paper (“Free life” from Galați) so I write daily articles for the newspaper. Did I really need to write childrenls literature? And yet, since I signed quite a few books for children (about ten), I feel obligated give some explanation. The author of my first book “A long time ago with the elephants” (1984) is, I confess, my daughter, Crăița, that was three at the time. I helped her as much as I could, adding book after book, until she got tired of my books and moved on to serious literature. After a break that lasted a few years between the first seven books and the last three (the ones from the series entitled “The down”, published in 2005), I started re-writing, again due to some faithful helpers. My sister has two twin girls (Crina and Crăița as well), who, when I read to them, listen to me quite beside themselves and whose overflowing imagination has helped me find the right subject matters.

Ilve written a lot, I published novels and stories, essays and journalism, but nothing has brought me more joy than the poems with the help of which my daughter, my nieces, my friendsl children and who knows what other babies that have touched my books, learned to talk and count, fell asleep easily, spoiled their toys and played in the kindergarten or school. This is who I am, first and foremost. A grown-up child waiting, not knowing when it would happen, for a little nephew for whom I can write a book.